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Some home maintenance projects are easily handled by homeowners, but others require the experience and skills of a trained professional. At Duffy Home Solutions our Greenwich Property Management team consists of home maintenance journeymen. We also have relationships with some of the best service professionals in Greenwich. They’ll be the first to tell you that certain jobs are better left to the pros. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

Well Water & Irrigation Issues

Greenwich, CT residents are directly affected by well and irrigation issues. The back country area of town has a high concentration of ledge rock. As a result, well water can be sparce. This makes it hard to irrigate gardens, fill pools, and it can even affect the water supply to indoor and outdoor faucets.

This is the type of job that requires Greenwich Property Management professionals. Our team has solved these types of problems across town. We bring in well and irrigation system specialists that can identify the location and depths of well water and we work together to develop a plan to solve the issue.

Generator and HVAC Service and Maintenance

Generators and HVAC systems require annual maintenance to remain at peak efficiency. Regularly scheduled maintenance can also head off issues before they become bigger, more expensive repairs. And if an issue does arise, the repair work is typically not an appropriate job for a homeowner. When it comes to maintaining and repairing a generator or HVAC system, it’s important to bring in a trained and licensed Greenwich Property Management professional to properly diagnose and fix the problem.

Basement Flooding and Drainage Issues

The water table can be high for properties close to the shore in Greenwich, CT. Depending on the situation, the installation of a sump pump may be sufficient to solve water in the basement. For more serious cases, exterior drainage work may be required. In these instances, the water may need to be redirected away from the house. This can be accomplished with re-grading and potentially adding curtain drains, trench drains and/or a dry well.

Excavation, drainage and sump pump installation and servicing require experience, technical know-how and sometimes heavy equipment. The Duffy Home Solutions Greenwich Property Management team is equipped to handle these types of jobs. Our team can provide a full assessment of your water issue and develop a plan to solve the problem.

Plumbing and Electrical Issues

Although the Duffy Home Solutions Greenwich Property Management team handles small jobs, such as powerwashing and cleaning outdoor furniture, homeowners are really glad to have us when a major system malfunctions – such as a plumbing or electrical issue. Although not all of these jobs are big, they almost always require the skill of an experienced, licensed trade person.

Plumbing problems can range from leaky faucets to burst pipes. Low water pressure, water heater beakdowns and leaking toilets are also common issues that our Greenwich Property Management team faces. These are some of the most pressing home maintenance issues since water leaks can lead to wood rot and mold over time.

It goes without saying that electrical work can be dangerous. Let’s leave this one to the Property Management pros. Common electrical issues that homeowners face include overloaded circuits, surges or dips in the power, and outlets that are not functioning. Electrical needs, of course, aren’t always a result of an issue. Our Greenwich Property Management team helps homeowners with new indoor and outdoor lighting installation, replacement of lighting fixtures, and even changing of lightbulbs.

Roof Repairs

Roof issues can be stressful. They often lead to leaks and require attention right away. Some issues, however, can go unnoticed. When they do, they can lead to serious damage. Regular roof inspections can help identify issues before they become bigger problems. Storm and tree damage, ice build-up, and temperature fluctuations can all lead to cracked slate, wood or asphalt roofing. And over time these materials can simply degrade. When this occurs, it can lead to leaks in locations that you may not be aware of.


When it comes to these bigger jobs (and some smaller jobs too) it’s always good to have a local professional on hand. The challenge that we often see, however, is that many of these maintenance needs require a separate trade or pro to handle the job. Greenwich Property Management services are designed to provide Greenwich, CT homeowners one source for all of your home maintenance needs. When you’re a Duffy Home Solutions Property Management customer you’ll have one contact to handle it all.

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